Vladimir Logutov. Next Stage

  • Location Moscow, Russia
  • Client Winzawod CCA
  • Year 2017
  • Status Completed
  • Program Cultural
  • Artist Vladimir Logutov
  • Curator Ekaterina Inozemtseva
  • Team Ekaterina Golovatyuk
    Giacomo Cantoni
    Giuseppe Bandieramonte
  • Surface 750 sqm

A substantial part of Vladimir Logutov’s oeuvre questions the way the way art is conceived and experienced.

Grace’s proposal for the Logutov’s exhibition at Winzavod, entitled “The Next Stage”, organizes the space of a former industrial hall in 7 thematic blocks, in which the conventional relationship between the ‘painting’, the viewer and the space is progressively deconstructed, looped and blurred.

Departing from a classical white surface for a series of small watercolors, the walls get chopped, perforated, mirrored, unfinished and finally “dissolved”. Visitors gradually find their shadows in the paintings, see their doubles in the mirrors, and contemplate others looking at art. This ‘looping’ is generated polyphonically by both, the artworks and the installation, reinforcing the overall sense of disorientation and eeriness.