W Resort

  • Location Intendance Beach, Mahe, Seychelles Islands
  • Client W Hotels
  • Year 2014
  • Status Concept
  • Program Hospitality
  • Team Ekaterina Golovatyuk
    Nicola Russi (Laboratorio Permanente)
    Angelica Sylos Labini (Laboratorio Permanente)
  • Surface 19.500 sqm
  • Collaborators Landscape Architect: Gianluca Lugli

The W Resort is to be located at Mahé Island, facing the Intendance beach, known for its white sand, surrounding jungle and rocky hills.

Rather than simulating traditional local architecture, we proposed the concept of “living in nature”.
At the W Resort, nature is an integral part of architecture. Its vitality, indeterminacy and movement are declined into the environment of the resort at multiples scales: from that of the masterplan to a single suite.